Thursday, April 22, 2010

Being Jesus to a Cab Driver

The NASCAR race is in Talladega this weekend, so earlier today I flew into Birmingham, AL. Typically I would rent a car at the airport and go on to my hotel, but today was a little different. I needed to rent a 15 passenger van and the Enterprise at the airport had none of these available, so I was forced to take a taxi to another Enterprise location about 30 minutes away. I hopped in the first cab I saw and headed that way.

About 5 minutes into the trip I noticed that my cab driver, Patrick, had a very distinct accent. I asked him where he was from and he told me that he moved to Alabama from Nigeria 6 years ago. Patrick left his wife and 4 baby girls to come to America in an attempt to provide a better life for his family. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him, but he continues to send money back to Nigeria month after month with the hope that one day he will be able to bring his family to the United States.

To obtain American citizenship you have to hold a green card for 5 years. Patrick has met this requirement, and is in the process of saving up enough money to file the formal paperwork. Once he has obtained citizenship, he will be able to bring his wife and 4 daughters to America.

It costs $675 to file the appropriate papers and on top of the cost to file for citizenship, Patrick must also save enough for 5 one-way plane tickets. With a limited income and the fact that most of his money goes back to Nigeria, it is easy to see that saving comes very slowly. Patrick has saved $300 to date and is confident that he will eventually be able to reconnect with his loved ones.

After hearing Patrick's story, God instantly began pressing it on my heart to help unite this man with his family. Matthew 22:37-40 tells us, very clearly, that the two most important things we can do are to love God and love people. What better way to live out Scripture, then to tangibly bless someone with an obvious need. I would like to challenge anyone reading this to consider giving a financial gift to Patrick. You can facebook me, comment on this blog, or call me and I would love to tell you how you can give.

Maybe you think I'm absolutely crazy for wanting to do this and you feel that your money can be better spent elsewere. If that's the case I have another challenge for you. I would ask that you intentionally seek out an opportunity to bless someone this week. Start conversations while you're at the doctor's office, in line at the grocery store, or with the cab driver who's taking you across town. Ask questions and look for ways to tangibly meet a need for that specific person. The need could be anything from a financial gift to an encouraging word. Whatever the need may be, meet it. I promise it'll rock your world.

I am a firm believer that we, as the body of Christ, can make a significant impact on the world around us. In order to see this happen, it is imperative that we start being Jesus to the people that God places in our path.

Let's make it happen...


Monday, April 12, 2010

A week full of blessing...

If you're not a believer that my God works in amazing ways, then I'll just have to re-visit 3rd grade and call you a "stupid head". God has been incredibly good to me this past week, and I'm so pumped to tell you guys about it.

I'll start off by going back about 3 weeks ago when I went to my first Orlando Magic basketball game. Since I was brand new to the city, I flew solo to the game that night and, as God would have it, I was seated next to a man named Philip Callahan and his 2 daughters. I began talking to Philip, asking him about life and telling him about mine, and come to find out his youngest daughter was in town for spring break from none other than Oklahoma State...small world!

Getting into deeper conversation with Philip, I realized that he attends a church in Orlando where the youth department recently lost their youth pastor and a big chunk of their youth. He explained that the youth ministry is pretty much starting all over from scratch and they need leaders to step in and help pour into these students. I was ecstatic to hear this because one of my prayers coming to Orlando was that I would find a group of high school dudes that I could pour my life into. Philip and I exchanged information at the end of the game and I left feeling like God had His hand directly on me, leading me exactly where He wanted me to go.

Fast forward to last week...

I was on the road for the next couple weekends after meeting Philip so the next opportunity I had to visit his church was Easter Sunday. Philip and his wife Dinah introduced me to several people at the church that morning and among those people was a man named Joe Sims. Joe is serving as the interim youth pastor until the church finds someone to hire on a permanent basis. I instantly hit it off with Joe and began to tell him that I would like to work with high school students. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was genuinely excited that I walked through the doors of that church. Joe explained to me that the youth ministry was primarily middle school students with the exception of a few high school guys that served as leaders on Wednesday nights. He went on to explain that these high schoolers were hungry for growth and discipleship. It was obvious at this point that these guys were an answer to prayer.

Last Wednesday I went to the youth service where I met 3 extremely solid young Christian men: Kellen, Esteban, and Brad. We wasted no time getting to know one another and by the end of the night it was apparent that I had met the 3 guys that I would pour myself into. These young men have servant hearts like I've never seen before. They selflessly volunteer their time, on a consistent basis, to help with the middle school students at this church. They use the time that they could be spending with their friends and they use it, instead, to develop and grow the generation of students behind them. It absolutely blessed my heart to meet these guys and I am looking forward to not just serving alongside them, but discipling and growing them.

Another story of God's goodness...

Joe (the interim youth pastor) is not only a Pastor, but he is also the chapelain at the prep school right next to my office. During our original conversation on Easter Sunday, I told Joe that my girlfriend, Stacy, was looking to move to Orlando and needed a job in order to make the move. Joe asked what Stacy does for a living and when I told him she was a guidance counselor his eyes widened. He told me that the school he works at has 5 guidance counselors just in the high school and he told me to have Stacy call him to talk more about it. Stacy called him the next day and they had a great conversation. The phone call ended and Joe immediately went to tell his principal about Stacy. The principal looked at Joe and said, "You do realize that we're looking for a high school guidance counselor right now don't you?" Joe instantly called Stacy back to give her the good news. It looks like Stacy could possibly have an interview at a school right next door to my office in the next few weeks! Tell me that my God isn't good and I'll call you a bold faced liar.

It doesn't stop there...all that was just through Wednesday! The week ended with a bang when I went to Phoenix for work.

First, I got to work with Laila Ali and her husband, Curtis, while they were doing an appearance for Subway at the race this weekend. They were both incredibly down to earth and a joy to work with.

Secondly, I got the opportunity to meet the lead chapelain for the Motor Racing Outreach, Tim Griffin. It was so encouraging to hear about the ministry that Tim has and to watch him do what he does on a weekly basis with the drivers, owners, and crews at the track.

And last but certainly not least, I found out that I will be able to plug in to a small group Bible study with some people my own age at a house right down the street from me. Since I won't be able to attend church on a regular basis due to being on the road most weekends, I was really praying that I would be able to connect in a small group setting with some other believers my age.

I say all this to say that we serve an incredible God who provides beyond what we can ask, think, or imagine. Believe that.

Peace, Love, and Chocolate milk,
