Monday, November 1, 2010

Passion #2: Discipleship

Back in September I began a blog series with the intent to unpack 5 things that I'm passionate about. It's been 2 months since I talked about operating out of our God given gifts, so I figured it was about time to dive into passion #2....discipleship (mentorship if you like the less "churchy" word).

During my college years, I was blessed to be on the receiving end of several Godly men pouring out their life into mine. There was nothing overly complex about the time I spent with these men. We didn't cover a specific curriculum or even have an agenda when we met. We simply shared our lives with one another. I learned how to be a patient friend, an understanding father, and a gracious husband just by hearing the stories of men with a little more experience at this thing called life. Words will never do justice to my thanks for men like David Brown, Ketric Newell, and Kent Dobkins.

In response to the blessing I received from David, Ketric, and Kent, I will devote my life to pouring into men. I will do this in an effort to expose the incredible blessing that God has for us by walking out a lifestyle of love. I will never stop seeking mentors in my own life, always looking for a way to learn and develop into a Godlier man.

My charge to you is this:

1. Get a mentor. Find someone you respect and ask to spend time with them. Ask questions, soak up wisdom, be transparent.

2. Mentor someone. How do I find someone to mentor?

A.) Build a relationship with someone in your church's youth group, singles ministry, or newlyweds class.

B.) Work with an organization like Big Brother Big Sisters that pairs mentors with children in need of a positive role model.

C.) Parter with a ministry like Campus Crusade for Christ or YoungLife.

D.) Seek out a younger co-worker

If you're telling yourself you have nothing to offer, I would strongly disagree. There are countless men and women that simply want someone to spend time with them. It doesn't need to be complicated. There are no rules.

What do we talk about?

Share your story. Share how God has moved in your life. Share practical advice as to how you've handled specific challenges. Show up, listen, love, and watch God work.

In spite of our own brokenness, God still chooses to use us to reflect His love and grace to the world. Let us be a people that accomplish this task one relationship at a time. Person by person, we can change the world.

Peace, love, and chocolate pudding,
