Monday, October 22, 2012

Say yes...

I remember one of the first times I said "yes" to God. It was 2006 and I was involved with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. This organization facilitates discipleship programs all over the country called Summer Projects and I was given an opportunity to participate in one.

I had been working full time at a bank, and I heavily relied on that income stream to get me through college. Going on this Summer Project made no logical sense. Quitting my bank job to live in a hotel in Branson, MO with 40 other college students and work at McDonald's...seriously? Oh yeah, and I had to raise over $2,000 to do it!

As crazy as it seemed, God graciously gave me the courage to take a step of faith. I raised the money, quit my job, loaded up my pickup, and moved to the tourism capital of the Midwest to flip burgers and learn more about Jesus. I could go on for days about how God stretched and grew me that summer, but as I look back on the experience today I remember this: God is faithful, and being obedient to His call creates LASTING reward.

I got back from Branson after a life changing summer and guess what? I got my job back at the bank...and I got a raise! Seriously God?! This was proof that God is bigger than I ever understood.

The following summer I quit my job again to work at a camp in Panama City Beach, and you guessed it...I got my bank job back. The Lord had now showed up two summers in a row to prove his adoration, grace, and faithfulness towards me. The next summer was Africa, followed by the next summer working camps in North Carolina and California. Nine months later God opened a door to do what I do now in Orlando. You bet your tail I said yes to that one!

Each of these yes's resulted in immense growth and beautiful friendships. Saying yes was by no means easy, but I can say with conviction that each yes was significantly easier than the one prior.

The God of this universe loves you deeply. The Creator of heaven and earth bought you at the price of Jesus' blood, and He desires to use you in a very tangible way.

What is it that God wants you to say yes to today? Is it starting the business you've always wanted to start? Is it supporting an organization financially that God has put heavy on your heart? Is it giving a 100% tip to the waitress that's having a rough night? The first big "yes" will probably be the hardest. Rip the bandaid off, buckle up, and enjoy the ride! You won't regret it.

Go and love the tar outta someone today. You guys are incredible.


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain