Tuesday, July 13, 2010

40 Days of Giving: Days 23-27

Day 23:
My good friend, David Arute, and I were eating lunch in Scranton, PA when we struck up a conversation with our waitress, JP. She is a grad student studying art therapy at the nearby college. When she finishes school, JP will get to use her passion (art) to help children get through difficult times by analyzing the art that the child creates. My friend David, coincidentally, will be attending Wheaton College in the fall, where he will be getting his Masters in clinical psychology. Needless to say, there was no shortage of conversation since the two subjects are similar in several ways. Throughout the course of our lunch, David and JP had discussed several books related to their particular fields of study. Seeing that JP was obviously a very intelligent girl that was anxious to learn and grow, I decided to give her some cash to buy one of the books that David suggested, "The Living God & Our Living Psyche" by Dr. Al Dueck. David said that this book would do a great job of introducing the Gospel to JP in an intellectual way that she could really resonate with. So I put the cash in an envelope with the title and author of the book and a little encouraging note. It was a small gesture that could potentially have amazing eternal consequences for JP...I love that God gives us opportunities like this.

Day 24:
On this day I got to make a childhood dream come true for my great friend, Kyle Zimmerman aka "Z". I won't give you any specifics because Z tells the story so much better, so if you know Kyle...ask him about it. If you're reading this Z, I love you big time brother.

Day 25:
Pretty simple day of giving this day...I took of friend of mine in Orlando to dinner.

Day 26:
My buddy, J-Rish, and I went to the beach to enjoy the sun and relax for the afternoon. I had just met J-Rish a few days prior at house church, so it was a great time of getting to know him and his heart. On the way to the beach, we stopped at Subway and I bought his lunch.

Day 27:
J-Rish, Jess, and myself went to a Bellarive concert on this day (I blogged about Bellarive a few weeks ago, so if you haven't checked them out...do it!). After the concert, we went to a pizza place in downtown Orlando and I bought dinner. Jess has recently left for the West Coast to spend her summer investing in high school students, and will be going to Appalachian State in North Carolina this fall to get her Masters degree. Jess, if you're reading this...we miss you already and wish you nothing but the best. Praying for you!

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