Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you know Chris Wallace?

NASCAR set up shop in Kansas City this past weekend, which allowed me to spend some time with my best friend from high school, Chris Wallace, who conveniently lives 20 minutes from the race track. I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for Chris, and spending the last few days with him made me realize how much of a blessing he's been in my life.

Chris can be defined by his steadfast character, unwavering faith in our Creator, and passionate love for his family. He is loyal, dependable, honest, and genuinely cares about others. In addition to these incredible qualities, Chris was instrumental in my spiritual development early on in my walk with Christ. I will never be able to thank him enough for the example he set, and the standard that he held me to as I began living my life with the intent to imitate Jesus.

Chris shared something with me this weekend that I won't soon forget. He told me about 2 specific passages of Scripture that are radically shifting his views on a particular issue. An issue that, until a few weeks ago, he held a very strong opinion. As he was sharing this with me, I realized how often we, as Christians, read Scripture through the lens of what we want it to say. We twist and contort God's Word until it aligns with our personal thoughts and views. I love that Chris is doing the exact opposite of this common trend. He's allowing Scripture to change him. It's obvious that this is a difficult process, but it's so easy to see that the Lord is refining and growing him deep at his core.

Thank you so much for being the man God has called you to be, Chris. It's impacting people in ways you may never know.

Here comes the fun part...

If you know Chris, leave a comment or send him a facebook message to let him know how he's been a blessing in your life. It can be a conversation you've had with him, a memory he's a part of, or simply anything he's done that has put a smile on your face.

1 comment:

  1. Hey James - good read but next time use larger print - I remember those days when you and Chris hung out - The both of you are a joy and a blessing to your kinfolk and your friends - we miss you and love you - g-ma
