Thursday, January 6, 2011

Time to Stop Acting Like a Pharisee

This might be the hardest blog I've ever written. Self righteousness is a topic that I refrain from talking about, because it's what I struggle with most. I write this with the intent of being as transparent and vulnerable as I can possibly be...with the hope that I will find accountability and growth.

Here it goes...

I've been told more times than I'd like to count how great of a guy I am. How encouraging I am, how nice I am, how well I connect with people. I love hearing these things. As sick and demented as it is, I thrive on hearing how awesome I am.

I just left a Bible study this afternoon where we unpacked Luke 7:36-50. It's the story of Jesus anointing a sinful woman (likely a prostitute) while he was eating in the home of a pharisee (Simon). I'll let you read the passage yourself, but I'll share with you the thing that struck me most...

It's outrageously clear that Jesus is more offended by Simon's self righteousness and judgement toward the woman, than he is with the outward and apparent sin of the prostitute. The woman recognizes her sin, and unashamedly lavishes her affection on Jesus. She wipes Jesus' feet with her tears and hair, kisses his feet, as well as pouring valuable perfume on him.

Jesus' response to the woman...the forgiveness of her sins.

At the end of today's Bible study, the facilitator asked who we identified most with...the pharisee or the woman? I, undoubtedly, identified with the pharisee. I see my encouraging nature, the wisdom I've gained from God's Word, my relational gifting...and I take the credit as if I'm worthy of having these qualities. Romans 3:23 makes it clear, however, that in and of myself I am unworthy.

Here comes the beauty...

Everything good in me, every gift or talent that I have, has been given to me out of God's magnificent grace and love for me. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."

I hate that I can so easily take credit for things I have no place taking credit, but it's so hard for me to recognize my own sinfulness. It's difficult for me to see my stubborness, my selfishness, the judgement I place on others, or my lack of compassion for the less fortunate.

I'll sum this up by asking you to pray for me.

Pray that my response to Jesus be similar to that of the sinful woman. That I actively lavish my love and affection on Him with my heart, my mind, my soul, my emotions, and my actions. Pray that I become aware of sinful areas in my life - not so I can beat myself up for sinning - but so I can recognize the magnitude of the grace I've been given. Pray that in response to the recognition of my sin, that I remove it from my life.

Being a pharisee sucks. Lucky for me, God's grace wins.


1 comment:

  1. James, for one so young, you have discovered something amazing.

    You don't remember me, but when you were but a little baby, I played with you and held you and fed you a bottle. I still live in Monrovia, where you lived as a little guy.

    I am so thankful to see how you've grown in the Lord. I'd love to able to give your mom and dad a hug. :)
