Wednesday, June 16, 2010

30 Days of Giving: Days 13-17

Day 13:
For the last couple months, I've been blessed with the opportunity to mentor 2 students at West Orange High School, Kellen and Esteban. These two guys are amazing young men and it's been an honor to watch them grow in their faith. On this day, I took Kellen, Esteban, and 2 of their friends to Taco Bell after the youth service at church. We talked about life, ate tacos, and had a blast.

Day 14:
This day's giving was a little different than anything I'd ever done before. I went to and signed up to be a bone marrow donor. My name was put in a database along with a saliva sample, and I will be contacted as soon as they find a match of someone in need of bone marrow. This is a very practical way to give someone life, and I would encourage all of you to look into this type of donation. See the website that I mentioned above and sign up today!

Day 15:
The youth service that Kellen and Esteban have been going to is called Element, and for the last couple weeks I've been going with them. On this day I took one of the staff members at Element to lunch. We got to chat about ministry, the students, and our stories.

Day 16:
I was in Indianapolis for the Indy 500 and stopped at the Golden Corral, aka "The Horse Troft" for dinner. I hadn't done my giving for the day and decided to bless the waitress with an 80% tip. It wasn't much, but I hope it went a long way in helping her night go a little better.

Day 17:
Since I was in Indianapolis this particular weekend, I decided to hook up with a friend that I met on Summer Project back in 2006 who went to Purdue. We were able to connect and I had the privilege of meeting her fiance and paying for their dinner. It was so great getting to spend time with JP and her soon to be husband, and talking about what we've been up to for the last 4 years. So many things have changed since the last time we'd talked but it was incredibly comforting to hear that JP's passion for Jesus and people hadn't changed a bit.

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