Friday, June 4, 2010

30 Days of Giving: Days 8-12

Day 8:
I was in Charlotte, NC and it was getting pretty late in the day. I hadn't given anything away and was struggling to come up with something. As I was getting in the elevator coming up to my room, I decided what to do. I wrote my favorite verse on a $10 bill and put it on the elevator floor. I have no idea who picked it up or if they bothered to read the Scripture reference, but I know that finding a random $10 bill is always nice. The verse that I referenced was 1 John 3:18 which reads, "Dear children, let us not love with word or tongue, but with action and in truth." The more I think about that verse, the more I realize that it is the heartbeat behind this whole giving love people with action.

Day 9:
While I was in the drive-thru at McDonalds on my way to the track the next morning, I paid for the car behind me in line. This was a very simple and cheap way to give, but my hope is that it made Jesus smile anyway.

Day 10:
Ryan Eber is in my house church, and it's hard to describe how much I love being around him. He has absolutely no interest in NASCAR, but he makes such a genuine effort to understand the sport because it's something I'm directly involved with. This simple act of keeping up with a sport that he cares nothing about says much of his character. He cares about people. He does it well.

We've made it a habit in the last couple weeks to go to Taco Bell after he picks me up from the airport. I paid for his tacos and he listened to story after story from my weekend at the race track. I heart you big time Ryan...can't wait to see you Monday!

Day 11:
If you know me at all, you know that Taco Bell consumes a large portion of my soul. This day we had a new face at house church and I had the priviledge of taking the new guy, Corbin, and my roommate Scott to T-Bell afterwards. We had great conversation, and I became one burrito closer to a heart attack.

Day 12:
I tithed to my church. If you are a follower of Christ, but have a difficult time with titheing, I challenge you to do so with your next paycheck. I am extremely confident that you will experience blessing in some form or fashion. I love watching God bless those who are obedient to Him in this area.

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