Wednesday, August 11, 2010

40 Days of Giving: Days 33-37

Day 33: I had the opportunity to treat one of my best friends, Ryan Eber, to some Buffalo Wild Wings. Love that place....and I love that dude.

Day 34: I gave $80 to an organization called Water4, which paid for an entire water well that will provide clean water to a community for years to come. This amazing non-profit puts water wells in rural parts of the world using parts and materials that can be found in nearby areas. This is beautiful because it allows the community to maintain the well long after the organization has placed it there. If you are interested in supporting what Christ is doing through Water4, please check out their website at

Day 35: After house church, I took Ryan and Jenn to Denny's...good times were had by all.

Day 36: A few weeks ago I blogged about a book called "The Treasure Principle". At the end of the blog I offered to ship a copy of the book to anyone who wanted to be stretched in the area of generosity. Thanks to my roommate Matt and his multiple copies of the book, I sent the book to Megan in Ft. Worth. I hope God is using the book to radically shape you, Megan!

Day 37: On this day I went to dinner with my roommate, Danny. He is a great singer/songwriter and you can check out his music at

1 comment:

  1. Love it James! Miss you buddy. Don't forget to share some "giving love" to your boy DB at, and when you come by Edmond, sweet tea you and me.
