Wednesday, August 18, 2010

40 Days of Giving: Days 38-40

Day 38: On this day I took one of the coolest high school seniors this side of the Mississippi, Esteban Peralta, to Planet Hollywood for lunch. After we grubbed, we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon at one of the Disney water parks. It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of Esteban's life. If you are not currently investing in the next generation, I would STRONGLY encourage you to do so. Not only does it bless the individual that you are spending time with, but it is guaranteed to bless you in more ways than you can possibly imagine.

There are several different ways you can meet students that would adore spending time with you:

*Volunteer at your church's student ministry.
*Contact your local YoungLife staffer and serve with them at the high school nearest you.
*Work with an organization such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, and they will parter you with a child in need of a positive role model and mentor. You can check out Big Brothers Big Sisters at

Day 39: My job took me to Boston for the NASCAR race in New Hampshire. As soon as I landed, I made my way to Fenway Park and had an absolute blast seeing first hand the history in that place. I spent some time at the Yawkey Way store across the street from the stadium and loaded up on souvenirs for my best friend back home, Mike Williams.

Day 40: My next door neighbor, Shelly Gates, and my good friend, James Rish, started a ministry a few months ago focusing on the needs of Orlando's homeless community. In an effort to support what God is doing through them, I gave them some cash to empower and encourage them to chase after what God has put on their hearts. The money was used to feed several hungry mouths, as well as turning on the electricity for our friends Rick and Lenny who recently were given a free apartment.

These last 40 days have done something to me that I can't find words to adequately explain. This experience has opened my eyes to the fact that God not only calls us, but equips us to give... and give generously.

Please don't walk away from this thinking that money is the only way you can change the world. Each and every one of you have been given specific gifts and passions that God yearns for you to use to expand His kingdom, regardless of your income.

We're not here leave a footprint.


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