Wednesday, May 4, 2011

30 Days of Encouragement - Days 1 & 2

Day 1
My job took me to Richmond, VA last weekend for the NASCAR race and our company needed some extra help. I asked my friend Adam to bring some guys in from Huntington and I was extremely impressed with the quality of men he brought. Once the race was over and work was finished, I texted each one of the guys to tell them how much we appreciated them. You would be surprised how much encouragement can come from a simple text message. Adam, Patrick, Rich, and Alan: If you're reading this, thank you again. You guys are incredible and your walks with the Lord are an encouragement to me. Can't wait to work with you again!

Day 2
On this day, I had the opportunity to talk with a group of young men at an FCA Bible Study here in Orlando. We talked about an issue that isn't talked about nearly enough in our churches...the topic was pornography. We spent about an hour unpacking the numerous ways that Satan uses pornography and sexual addiction to drive a wedge in our relationship with the Lord. We talked about practical ways that we can hold each other accountable, and I encouraged them to lean on one other as they take a united stand against sexual immorality.

After the Bible Study we all went to Chick fil a, where I got to spend some time getting to know several of the students. I was blown away at the spiritual depth of one student in particular. His name is Matt and he's finishing up his junior year at Boone High School. Matt leads a group of his peers every morning before school and they simply pray. To be Matt's age and understand the importance and the power of prayer is amazing to me. Bringing his classmates alongside him in this spiritual discipline shows not only an incredible amount of leadership, it also reveals his genuine heart to love and communicate with our Savior. If you're reading this Matt, thank you for playing an active part in growing God's Kingdom on earth. You are an inspiration to more people than you know.

If you are fortunate enough to know Adam, Patrick, Rich, Alan, or Matt, make sure to send them a note and let them know how amazing you think they are. Never discredit the power of your encouragement.

Peace, Love, and Licorice,


1 comment:

  1. Way to go James - Keep up the good work - love you - g-ma
