Sunday, July 15, 2012

I need to love better. So here's the plan...

I've recently started reading a book called "Love Does" by Bob Goff and it's been stirring my heart in a very cool way. This book has made me painfully aware of the fact that I do very little, most days nothing at all, to love with action.

1 John 3:18 says this: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

I don't really have a tough time loving people with my words. Whether it's a text message, a Facebook note, or a verbal interaction, I'm pretty good at letting people know why I love them. My struggle comes in the "doing". I'm typically the last person to volunteer to do something for someone that in any way makes me uncomfortable. I can tell someone they're awesome until I'm blue in the face, but when it comes time to show them love with my actions, I'm nowhere to be found.

I was struck yesterday with the thought of how much "love" someone gets on their birthday. People do crazy things to celebrate the day a friend or family member entered this world, but there's no reason why anyone should only get to feel special, cared for, and valued on one day of the year. I am personally committing to making sure that this is NOT the case for five individuals throughout the remainder of 2012.

Involving as many people as possible, we're going to make sure that these five folks have a day that they will never forget. They will lay their head on their pillow that night having no question that they are not only loved by countless people on earth, but that they are loved with reckless abandon by their Creator.

Flowers will be delivered, letters and notes will be written, and parties will be thrown. Songs will be created, cars will be decorated, and PA announcements will happen in grocery stores. All of this will be done in an effort to put hands and feet to the verb spelled L-O-V-E.

Love is action. Let's do it.


What's the craziest thing you've ever done to show someone you love them? Leave comments on the Facebook post, reply to the tweet, or leave the comment under this post on the blog. I'm going to need all the suggestions I can get! 


  1. Good idea - I'm gonna think about it for a while and I'll tell my craziest thing - love yu bud - g-ma

  2. Ordered that one per your referral. I'll be reading it soon!
