Monday, July 30, 2012

Snow plows in July

I've spent the better half of the last month preparing for a large event that we just finished in Indianapolis. On race day, all of the planning comes together and ideally results in seamless execution. Inevitably, however, something always seems to happen that could have never been foreseen. Yesterday was no exception. 

The morning was going great. Our helicopter operation was running flawlessly thanks to Jake and Jim, and our ground activity was moving right along thanks to an incredible team of men. Then the clock struck 9am and the wheels started to fall off...literally.

I got a phone call letting me know that one of our buses had run over a snow plow that was parked in the back lot of our client's property. Yes, you read that right...a snow plow. Needless to say, the snow plow won. 

From that point forward, my iPhone kicked into high gear. I made approximately 40 phone calls within the next hour, trying to work through a solution with the bus vendor, the officers facilitating our escorts, and our on-site team. I was pacing, sweating, and screaming a little more than I care to admit. I started to beat myself up. I could've made decisions quicker...I could have done "this" instead of "that". 

It was right around 11:30am when it got through my thick skull that God was trying to teach me something.  Why don't I pace, sweat, or scream about other issues? Like kids that won't get to eat today. Issues that involve little girls being sold to the highest bidder. Problems like entire communities that don't have clean water to drink.

Did God want me to work diligently to find a solution for our clients? Of course He did. But there are other things that He wants me to work diligently towards as actively engaging a hurting world. 

Robb and David handled pressure like champions. Tyler, Ryan, George, and Paul effectively responded to problems without blinking an eye. Edwin and Brian provided a sounding board that was essential. Our team this weekend was made up of absolute rock stars, and because of this, everything worked out fine. The clients made it to the race track an hour after their originally scheduled arrival time, and all was right in the world again.

I woke up this morning to see that God gave me another day. This day comes with a new perspective.

Love well,


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