Monday, October 22, 2012

Say yes...

I remember one of the first times I said "yes" to God. It was 2006 and I was involved with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. This organization facilitates discipleship programs all over the country called Summer Projects and I was given an opportunity to participate in one.

I had been working full time at a bank, and I heavily relied on that income stream to get me through college. Going on this Summer Project made no logical sense. Quitting my bank job to live in a hotel in Branson, MO with 40 other college students and work at McDonald's...seriously? Oh yeah, and I had to raise over $2,000 to do it!

As crazy as it seemed, God graciously gave me the courage to take a step of faith. I raised the money, quit my job, loaded up my pickup, and moved to the tourism capital of the Midwest to flip burgers and learn more about Jesus. I could go on for days about how God stretched and grew me that summer, but as I look back on the experience today I remember this: God is faithful, and being obedient to His call creates LASTING reward.

I got back from Branson after a life changing summer and guess what? I got my job back at the bank...and I got a raise! Seriously God?! This was proof that God is bigger than I ever understood.

The following summer I quit my job again to work at a camp in Panama City Beach, and you guessed it...I got my bank job back. The Lord had now showed up two summers in a row to prove his adoration, grace, and faithfulness towards me. The next summer was Africa, followed by the next summer working camps in North Carolina and California. Nine months later God opened a door to do what I do now in Orlando. You bet your tail I said yes to that one!

Each of these yes's resulted in immense growth and beautiful friendships. Saying yes was by no means easy, but I can say with conviction that each yes was significantly easier than the one prior.

The God of this universe loves you deeply. The Creator of heaven and earth bought you at the price of Jesus' blood, and He desires to use you in a very tangible way.

What is it that God wants you to say yes to today? Is it starting the business you've always wanted to start? Is it supporting an organization financially that God has put heavy on your heart? Is it giving a 100% tip to the waitress that's having a rough night? The first big "yes" will probably be the hardest. Rip the bandaid off, buckle up, and enjoy the ride! You won't regret it.

Go and love the tar outta someone today. You guys are incredible.


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain

Monday, July 30, 2012

Snow plows in July

I've spent the better half of the last month preparing for a large event that we just finished in Indianapolis. On race day, all of the planning comes together and ideally results in seamless execution. Inevitably, however, something always seems to happen that could have never been foreseen. Yesterday was no exception. 

The morning was going great. Our helicopter operation was running flawlessly thanks to Jake and Jim, and our ground activity was moving right along thanks to an incredible team of men. Then the clock struck 9am and the wheels started to fall off...literally.

I got a phone call letting me know that one of our buses had run over a snow plow that was parked in the back lot of our client's property. Yes, you read that right...a snow plow. Needless to say, the snow plow won. 

From that point forward, my iPhone kicked into high gear. I made approximately 40 phone calls within the next hour, trying to work through a solution with the bus vendor, the officers facilitating our escorts, and our on-site team. I was pacing, sweating, and screaming a little more than I care to admit. I started to beat myself up. I could've made decisions quicker...I could have done "this" instead of "that". 

It was right around 11:30am when it got through my thick skull that God was trying to teach me something.  Why don't I pace, sweat, or scream about other issues? Like kids that won't get to eat today. Issues that involve little girls being sold to the highest bidder. Problems like entire communities that don't have clean water to drink.

Did God want me to work diligently to find a solution for our clients? Of course He did. But there are other things that He wants me to work diligently towards as actively engaging a hurting world. 

Robb and David handled pressure like champions. Tyler, Ryan, George, and Paul effectively responded to problems without blinking an eye. Edwin and Brian provided a sounding board that was essential. Our team this weekend was made up of absolute rock stars, and because of this, everything worked out fine. The clients made it to the race track an hour after their originally scheduled arrival time, and all was right in the world again.

I woke up this morning to see that God gave me another day. This day comes with a new perspective.

Love well,


Sunday, July 15, 2012

I need to love better. So here's the plan...

I've recently started reading a book called "Love Does" by Bob Goff and it's been stirring my heart in a very cool way. This book has made me painfully aware of the fact that I do very little, most days nothing at all, to love with action.

1 John 3:18 says this: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

I don't really have a tough time loving people with my words. Whether it's a text message, a Facebook note, or a verbal interaction, I'm pretty good at letting people know why I love them. My struggle comes in the "doing". I'm typically the last person to volunteer to do something for someone that in any way makes me uncomfortable. I can tell someone they're awesome until I'm blue in the face, but when it comes time to show them love with my actions, I'm nowhere to be found.

I was struck yesterday with the thought of how much "love" someone gets on their birthday. People do crazy things to celebrate the day a friend or family member entered this world, but there's no reason why anyone should only get to feel special, cared for, and valued on one day of the year. I am personally committing to making sure that this is NOT the case for five individuals throughout the remainder of 2012.

Involving as many people as possible, we're going to make sure that these five folks have a day that they will never forget. They will lay their head on their pillow that night having no question that they are not only loved by countless people on earth, but that they are loved with reckless abandon by their Creator.

Flowers will be delivered, letters and notes will be written, and parties will be thrown. Songs will be created, cars will be decorated, and PA announcements will happen in grocery stores. All of this will be done in an effort to put hands and feet to the verb spelled L-O-V-E.

Love is action. Let's do it.


What's the craziest thing you've ever done to show someone you love them? Leave comments on the Facebook post, reply to the tweet, or leave the comment under this post on the blog. I'm going to need all the suggestions I can get! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Personal Mission Statement

I finally put my personal mission statement on paper. And by paper, I mean a 'note' on my phone. Here it goes...

"I will be a man that loves God in such a way that people around me can't help but notice. I will intentionally seek out men wiser than myself, inviting them to speak life into me. As I grow through God's Word, time in prayer, and the molding from mentors, I pledge to share that growth with other men. I will lead by serving. I will challenge others to operate out of their God-given gifts. I will encourage, empower, and believe in the dreams of the people in my life. I will strive for financial freedom so that I can give generously, believing that it is better to give than receive. I will forgive quickly, lean on grace, and do my best to love well. I will do these things while surrounding myself in biblical community, understanding that life is not meant to be lived in isolation."

I'm looking to get this put on canvas with some cool calligraphy. If you know of anyone that can do that for me, let me know!

Love you guys.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When you're really pissed anyway

Anger is not an emotion that I feel often, but today I felt it. Without going into great detail, I'll tell you that a decision was made that I did not agree with. I took this decision very personally. I felt hurt, unvalued, discouraged, along with a laundry list of other negative emotions.

Was it wrong for me to feel those emotions? I don't think so. Is it wrong for me to respond out of those emotions? Yes. Here's why...

My reading plan on YouVersion has me in 1 Corinthians right now, and today was chapter 13. That's right, the sappy love chapter that you hear at EVERY wedding that's ever taken place. The verses I hear most are 4-7 (Love is patient, love is kind, etc.) Surprisingly, these verses aren't what God used to shake me up tonight. Instead, God punched me square in the mouth with the first 3 verses in this chapter.

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

I 'm amazed at how clearly Paul communicated this message to the church in Corinth. He makes it seem so simple. No matter how much knowledge I have, how much money I give away, how many gifts or talents I've been given, it's all worthless without love. If I don't love, I am nothing.

God knew that I needed to hear this today. He knew that I'd been hurt and He lovingly told me that my response to that pain should not be bitterness or spite, but love.

Is it the end of the world because the decision mentioned above was made? Of course not. The sun will come up tomorrow and life will go on. This doesn't mean, however, that the emotions I felt weren't real or justified. So in the reality and the pain of the emotions that I'm feeling in this moment, I will choose love as my response.

People get hurt every single day, whether it's because of a decision that was made, a comment that was said, or the actions of someone close to you. That pain is real and I don't want to discredit that. The test in character and in faith comes in our response to that pain.

My challenge to you is this: the next time someone pisses you off, respond in love. This won't be easy to do. In fact, it's going to be EXTREMELY hard. However, I genuinely believe that if we do it, God will be right next to us strength, affirming us, and loving us.

Life is too short to live it angry. Love well.


Friday, December 30, 2011

2011: My Year in Review

Motivated by my roommates, Ryan and Matt, I decided to put together a list of my top ten experiences in 2011. This has been an eye opening endeavor for me and if you've never done something like it, I would strongly encourage you to do so. As you intentionally look back on your year, you will rediscover how God has poured His blessing on your life. I promise you won't regret this exercise.

#10: Cruise

The summer of 2011 marked the first time I set sail on a cruise. My friend Adam and I enjoyed a 3 night trip to the Bahamas and we enjoyed every second of it. From all you can eat food, to Adam dressing up like a woman (I promise there's a good explanation), we couldn't have asked for a better time. If you've never taken the time to take a cruise, don't hesitate. You'll love it.

#9: YoungLife

When I first moved to Orlando, I made it a priority to find men a few years younger than me in an effort to help them grow and develop in their faith. I was extremely fortunate to find Esteban and Kellen within just a few weeks of being in Orlando last year and I never imagined I would find young men with such integrity and character. Unfortunately, they lived on the other side of Orlando and meeting with them on a regular basis became pretty difficult.

At the beginning of 2011, I began to search for ways to invest in younger guys a little closer to my side of town. YoungLife is a student ministry that engages students all over the country, with a heavy emphasis on reaching students that would typically never step foot in a church or youth group. After discovering that this organization was ministering to students at a high school just 5 minutes from my office, it became obvious that YoungLife would be where I plugged in. The volunteers, staff, and students have been such a blessing this year and I can't adequately explain how much I've loved partnering with them in reaching people for the Gospel of Christ.

#8: Believe It 2011

In order to give an accurate description of this stellar event, I'll have to start by explaining the origin of what we've come to call "Believe It". It was a warm day in December of 2010 (I love Florida) when 2 of my closest friends and I decided to take the day off work. After deliberating how we would make good use of the day, Ryan realized that he was able to get us into the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. I won't lie to you...the museum sucked. However, the ridiculous facts and displays that we saw in that place stemmed a quote that all of us would repeat countless times throughout the day. Any time one of us saw something that was absolutely insane, we wouldn't hesitate to say some version of the following statement: "Oh my gosh, I don't believe this!" To which the other 2 would immediately scream in unison, "Believe it!!". Believe It 2010 had been born and the rest of the day was filled with non-stop cheap entertainment, yelling "Believe It" as often as we could.

Fast forward to another warm December day in 2011 (seriously, Florida is awesome)...

Ryan, coming through in the clutch once again, managed to get my roommates and I into Universal Studios absolutely free. Not only that, but he had a booklet full of coupons that would let us eat extremely cheap. On our way to the park, we recognized that this day would be dubbed "Believe It 2011" and determined that we would make "Believe It" an annual event.

It was no surprise that Believe It 2011 blew our socks off. Roller coasters, pictures with the Grinch, and even the Blue Man Group show (deeply discounted of course) made this a day that none of us will soon forget. Getting to experience this with some of the greatest guys I know made this a bigger blessing than I deserve.

Ryan, Adam, and Matt: You guys are unbelievable (believe it!). I can't thank God enough for the role that each of you play in my life. Thank you for letting Christ shine in you.

#7: Entreleadership

Entreleadership is a book written by Dave Ramsey and I finished reading it last month. If you are interested in business at all, this is an absolute MUST read. Dave walks you through practical business processes that have drastically affected how I think about my job. Vision casting, Hiring and firing, working with vendors, team management, sales and marketing, the importance of communication, cost control...Dave covers everything you could possibly want to know about running a business, and he does it from a position of having successfully owned and operated a thriving company for the last 20 years. This isn't a book on business theory, his advice is road tested and it works!

I realize that I sound like an infomercial right now, but this book has undoubtedly had the 2nd biggest impact on my life, with the first being the Bible. I loved it so much that I bought a copy for my CEO and the directors of each of our divisions. I truly believe that the principles taught in this book are going to launch our company to the next level. I'm so excited to see where we go in 2012.

Thanks Dave!

#6: Mentors

If I've learned anything valuable at all in my adult life, it's been this: everyone needs a mentor. Someone older, wiser, with more life experience that can help steer you from making too many boneheaded decisions.

In 2011, God decided to put not one, but two incredibly Godly older men in my life. I'm convinced this is the Lord's way of telling me that I make way too many boneheaded decisions. One mentor just wasn't enough :). Alan Schutz and Chad Cahill have played an undeniable role in my professional development, but more importantly, my personal development. I know with 100% certainty that the sound wisdom these two men offer me stems from the intimacy of their relationship with Christ.

Alan serves as the National Director of Priority Associates, which is the marketplace ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Anytime someone is the national director of anything, it likely means they're more awesome than the average's obviously true in Alan's case. Alan blows me away with his ability to connect with ANYONE. His laid back demeanor, his ability to listen, his heart to develop men, and the way he leads his family are just a few of the reasons why I love him as much as I do. I joke that if he ever thinks about moving out of Orlando, I'll chain him to his front porch. He thinks I'm kidding...little does he know that I've already bought the chain.

Chad runs a custom home building firm, is a husband to Bridget, and fathers a youngster named Colt. I love Chad's unashamed honesty. I never leave a lunch thinking that Chad held back, and I cherish that transparency so much. He is extremely passionate about leading his young family in a manner that honors the Lord, and since I don't have a family to lead just yet, that's crucial for me to witness. He's setting a bar for me and he doesn't even know it. He is a generous giver, a strategic thinker, and a great story teller. His friendship has been invaluable this last year and I can't wait to see it grow.

#5: Mortier Cinema

Back in August, we decided that the small 2 bedroom apartment that we'd been living in was no longer up to par. Matt and I jumped ship and moved into a house just minutes away from the airport. We were joined in the move by Ryan who formerly lived on the other side of town, Adam who made the move all the way from West Virginia, and Christian who was moving to Orlando from a town an hour north.

The house is a bit farther from all of our jobs, but the upside is more than worth it. Not only did I get to move in with my best friends, but I got to move into a house in a great area, with tons of space to have people visit, that also had the perfect room for our movie theatre...yep, you read that right. The bonus room in our new house is equipped with stadium seating (3 couches, 2 on risers) a 110 inch projection screen with HD projector, a PS3, Bose surround sound, and recessed lighting on a fader. Needless to say, this setup is perfect for a premium movie watching experience without having to pay $12 at the local AMC.

This house has been the home of countless late night chats, game nights, gingerbread extravaganzas, and movie marathons. Buddy the Elf has even been spotted partying under our roof. I couldn't ask for a better home and for better guys to share it with. To the men of Mortier Cinema and the guests that frequent it, I love you guys.

#4: Dream Job

To so many people, their job is simply a way to pay their bills. They show up, clock in, perform monotonous tasks, clock out, and wait in anxious anticipation for the weekend to arrive.

I am blessed beyond measure to say that this is not my story. I don't deserve for one second to enjoy my work as much as I do. In 2011, I stepped into more responsibility than I ever thought I would be trusted with. After learning the ropes my first year with the company, I had the opportunity to oversee my division's entire budget and run the helicopter business as if it were my own. I got to make decisions that I never imagined I would be able to make.

Not only did I get to manage the business from the office by hiring temp help, reviewing financials, quoting clients, and selecting vendors , but I was also blessed to manage our business on site at various events. Traveling to over 25 events in 2011 and flying over 85,000 miles, I was able to build relationships with several vendors and temp help staff. I'm overwhelmed at the quality of men I had the pleasure of working with this past year.

In 2012, I will be attempting to expand our business into the music and entertainment industry with my dear friend Lucas Pinckard. I'm ecstatic about taking our standard of excellence and quality of service to a market that we've never before entered. The possibilities are almost overwhelming and I can't wait to see how God grows our business as we move forward.

#3: New Friends

I met Aven Pitts at the end of 2010 thanks to my great friend Ben Grande. Aven can make anyone with a heartbeat laugh, he does the right thing when nobody is looking, and he is constantly searching for ways to make people smile. Because of these things and many more, he has easily become one of my most valued friends.

Aven was responsible for introducing me to some amazing individuals in 2011. By inviting me to his small group bible study, I met a body of believers that have blessed me over and over again. Brady & Jennapher White, Joel Coffman, Rebekah Skates, Deanna Schaekel, Neal Faul, Brittany Tovado, and Taylor Allen: You guys are amazing. I value each one of you and I am so thankful to be a part of your community.

Aven also introduced me to several of his friends outside of the Bible study. Amy Boyd, Kriss Pugh, Justin Peters, Kayla Todd, Piper Williams, Alex Parish, and Nick Melvin: Your awesomeness blows my mind and I have loved getting to know you. I can't wait to grow our friendship in 2012.

Aven: Thanks for sharing the wealth. You and your friends have made this year an absolute blast.

#2: Makeever Wedding

I'm 25 years old and the lion's share of my friends are married, engaged, or about to buy the ring. That being said, I've been to more weddings than I care to count. As many weddings as I've been privileged to be a part of, none quite compared to the one that took place in Thomas, OK this past May.

My soul smiled bigger than it has in recent history when I saw two of my best friends pledge to spend the rest of their lives together. Corey and Brooke are undoubtedly two of the greatest people I know. They pursue Christ first, and each other second. They are full time missionaries with a college ministry called Student Mobilization and it's easy to see that they were made for it. They love people so well, and God is using their marriage to change lives every single day.

I knew both Corey and Brooke before they knew each other. Individually, they were full of compassion, disciplined, passionate, and servant hearted, so it was no surprise when they met and instantly hit it off. Their bold intention to keep Christ in the middle of their dating relationship was encouraging beyond belief and everyone could see it. When I found out that they decided to tie the knot, I was ecstatic. Watching them say "I do" was overwhelmingly surreal for me, and I'm not sure I'll feel an emotion similar to that until my own wedding day.

Corey and Brooke: You are an inspiration and encouragement to every person that knows you. Continue passionately pursuing your Creator and inviting those around you to see the pursuit. You're changing the world one day at a time and I'm honored to call you friends. I love both of you more than you know.

#1: Dad's Salvation

Like so many young men and women, I was raised by a single parent. My mom wore all the hats as I was growing up, and my father was a distant figure in my life. I would see him once or twice a year, but there was very little depth to our relationship.

4 years ago, my dad moved from Texas to Oklahoma. I was in college at the time and I was hesitant to let my dad into my life. He had been a source of disappointment over and over again during my childhood, and I wasn't jumping out of my seat to invite that disappointment into my adult life. Slowly but surely, God softened my heart toward my dad. We began talking pretty frequently and I realized that I genuinely enjoyed his company.

Our relationship was growing at a pace I never anticipated when I took the job in Orlando. I thought for sure that I would move across the country and watch this new relationship fade, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I continued talking to my dad multiple times a week, and the relationship continued to flourish.

On a visit to Oklahoma this past October, a prayer I'd been praying for four years was answered. I was in the room when my dad stepped into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It started with a simple conversation about his siblings and it ended with a move of the Holy Spirit that couldn't be denied. The room was full of tears and emotion as my dad's eternity took a sharp turn for the best. Watching a man realize that he no longer would be doing life on his own gave me a rich reminder of the value of my own salvation.

In the three short months since my dad's commitment to Christ, I've seen his heart change in ways I never thought possible. I am so proud to say that my father is now a faithful tither, and he is in the process of breaking some major addictions that have held him captive for over thirty years. Watching God redeem His broken children through Jesus is beautiful.

Dad: I love you so much, and knowing that I get to spend eternity with you brings me a joy that I can't explain with words.

In Closing,

If I had to choose one word to define my year, it would unquestionably be this...blessing. God has blessed my friendships, my work, my family, my ministry and every other area of my life. It's beyond my comprehension how a perfect God can lavish so much love on someone as imperfect as myself, but I'm grateful He does just that. Resting in the knowledge that Christ's blood covers my imperfection gives me hope and drives me to do everything in my power to honor the God that gave me life.

If you're still reading this, thank you for giving me your time. I hope the words above give you a rich respect for God's goodness and endless love. I pray that God blesses you in 2012 like He's never blessed you before.

Love well & shine bright,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 Days of Encouragement: Day 3

Day 3:
My friend Kelsie Pinckard actively walks out Ephesians 5:3 and I took this day as an opportunity to tell her how much I appreciate the example that she's setting to everyone in her life. Kelsie and her boyfriend are taking a bold stance to keep their dating relationship free from sexual immorality. They're doing this simply by making the choice to refrain from kissing.

I know what you're thinking. "But James, that's just weird." My response is this: "Yeah it's weird, but normal doesn't seem to be working." Too many Christian relationships toy with where the boundary lies in regards to 'going too far' and I'm right there in that mix. I've seen boundaries come crashing down in an instant, regardless of how good the intention was to stay pure.

I absolutely love the stand that Kelsie and her boyfriend have chosen to take in an effort to honor the Lord and hurdle the obstacle of sexual purity. Thank you both for your steadfast faith, your obedience to pursue Christ before each other, and your willingness to go against the grain. I deeply respect and care for both of you. Thanks for reflecting Jesus.