Saturday, May 29, 2010

30 Days of Giving: Days 3-7

Day 3:
Paid for a foreign couple's dinner at IHOP. They had no idea what to think when the waitress told them that somebody picked up their tab. It was such a blessing to watch them be blessed.

Day 4:
One of my best friends back in OK, Darcy Choate, passionately serves at a ministry called "All Things Baby". The ministry focuses on the needs of single mothers, providing anything from diapers to clothing. "All Things Baby" threw a baby shower for some teen mothers in the area, so I gave Darcy some cash and she used it to buy gifts for the shower. Darcy is incredible and her heart for children blows my mind.

Day 5:
My buddy Luke came up from Dallas to visit me while I was in Oklahoma last week. We went to Chesapeake to meet up with a friend that I used to work with, Owen Love. We grubbed on some amazing pizza from Hideaway and I picked up the bill for the 3 of us.

Day 6:
The reason I went back to Oklahoma last week was to see my sister graduate from high school. She'll be going to the University of Central Oklahoma in the fall and words can't explain how proud I am of her. As a graduation gift, I bought her tons of UCO garb from the campus bookstore. My time at UCO shaped me in so many ways, and I can't wait to see how much she learns and grows through her experience there.

Day 7:
Luke drove all the way from Dallas to come hang out for the week, so the least I could do was pay for a tank of his gas. It is such a blessing every time I get to hang out with Lucas. I can honestly say I've never met someone as talented, wise, and caring. The love that he has for his family and friends overflows in every facet of his life and it challenges me to love better.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Bellarive is an Orlando based band that leads worship at my church, along with playing several different venues in the Central Florida area. Looking back on it, this band is a large part of the reason I decided to call Discovery Church home. Bellarive led worship the very first time I attended the church, and to say that the worship they led was moving would be the understatement of the century. I know several bands that are mind blowingly talented, but there is a depth and richness to Bellarive like I've never experienced before.

Tonight I had the opportunity to meet the lead vocalist of Bellarive, Sean Curran, over tacos at Tijuana Flats. Not only did I get to fill my belly with deliciousness, but I got to hear the heart of a man that is genuinely pursuing God's heart. To hear Sean talk about the journey that God has led him on was so encouraging to me. Not seeking fame or fortune, Sean's vision for Bellarive is to powerfully impact the audience through not just the music, but personal relationships with the people they meet in the process. The band intentionally seeks to be Jesus to the people that listen to their music. Sean told me story after story of conversations that he's had with individuals at their shows...stories of hope, redemption, and grace. It was incredibly apparent to me that the success Bellarive has seen in such a short time, is undoubtedly due to the fact that they are doing exactly what God is calling them to do. They are living their lives out of passion for their Creator and it's evident in the music they create.

Check out the video below and see if God doesn't speak to you through it. I will honestly be surprised if you aren't moved in some way. If you like what you hear, buy their album on iTunes and support what God is doing through them.

Friday, May 21, 2010

30 Days of Giving: Day 2

Day 2:
I was in Baltimore for work and decided to make a little trip to Washington, DC to see the sites. As I was walking from the White House to the Washington Monument, a homeless man named Tony asked me for 90 cents. I gave him a dollar and he then asked me about the logo on my shirt. I explained to him the company that I work for and we chatted back and forth for a few minutes. We eventually said our goodbyes, and I began to walk off when it hit me that God had just put an enormous opportunity to bless somebody right in front of my face. I turned around and asked Tony if he could tell me where I could find the Lincoln Memorial (hoping to spur on further conversation). He started giving me directions and then said, "Would you like me to just show you?" I said yes, and that started my 2 hour tour across Washington, DC with my new friend.

We talked about life, shared our pasts, discussed our families, unpacked faith, and carried on great conversation the entire time we were together. At the end of my tour with Tony, I asked if he was hungry. He said no, but offered to walk me to the nearby McDonalds so that I could eat. When we arrived at the Golden Arches I offered to buy him dinner. He refused time and time again, so I paid for my meal and bought Tony a $20 gift card.

There were a few things about Tony that stood out to me that day. After his initial request of $.90, Tony never asked for anything else. He didn't hassle me for money, or feed me a story that left me feeling sorry for him. He simply wanted somebody to talk share life with. Tony has a story just like you and I do, and unfortunately his story led him to a lifestyle that we all hope to never endure. Tony was an aviation mechanic until a year ago when the airline he worked for laid him off. Seems to me, especially in the current economic environment, that Tony's misfortune could easily happen to anyone.

I am so thankful that God opened the door for me to meet Tony early on in my "30 Days of Giving" endeavor. I was forced to see that there is a story behind every face, and I have no way of finding out what that story is unless I ask.

Love always wins.


Friday, May 14, 2010

30 Days of Giving

Last Monday I moved in to a 2 bedroom apartment with 3 other guys from my church. Before you call me crazy for living in such tight quarters with that much testosterone, let me first tell you that I only pay $150/month for rent and utilities! If you know me at all, the fact that I jumped on this opportunity shouldn't surprise you one bit...I'm cheap! This being said, as much as I love the financial aspect of my new living situation, I'd be lying if I told you it was the best part. The caliber of the men that I now live with is, without a doubt, the biggest blessing of the entire deal. I moved in with 3 incredibly Godly dudes that will provide me with a great source of accountability, encouragement, and fellowship.

One of my roommates, Matt, has to be the most generous person I've ever met in my life. Matt works for a ministry called "Generous Giving" and after spending 5 minutes with him, it's obvious that his career lines up in perfect unison with his passion. I've never seen someone put so much effort toward strategic and intentional generosity. He pays for dinners, gives the best gifts, supports ministries, donates his time, and the list goes on and on. What I love most about Matt's generous spirit is the fact that he doesn't wait for a letter in the mail from a missionary that is asking for money. Instead of waiting for opportunities to give, he creates the opportunity. He is constantly searching for ways that he can give, and it is stretching me to do the same.

Earlier this week I told Matt that I wanted to blog about his generosity, specifically the creativity of his giving. I simply wanted to share with the world some unique ways that we can give on a daily basis. He immediately turned the table on me and suggested that, instead of blogging about his giving, I should blog about my own.

Earlier in this post I told you that I'm cheap. As much as I love to argue that my frugal habits are financially wise, I believe that the deeper root of my penny-pinching ways stems from greed and selfishness. I've struggled with these things for many years, and I've finally decided to stop justifying my sin and make a change.

This morning I received a text message from Matt stating that he will be challenging himself to give something away for the next 30 days. In an effort to let God dig out the greed and selfishness in my own life, I will be joining Matt in this challenge...blogging about it along the way. My hope in sharing this 30 day journey with you is not to boast of my own generosity, but to share with you how God is stretching me in this particular area. My prayer is that this journey encourages you to evaluate what generosity looks like in your own life, and to see that it does not take great wealth to make a great impact.

Day 1: Instead of parking my car in a garage near the airport while I'm out of town for the next few days, I loaned my car to an amazing married couple in my House Church. They are a one car family and a second car will make the next couple days a little easier for them both. This gift didn't cost me a dime, and I feel like it's a great way to start allowing God to soften my heart toward a lifestyle of giving.

Peace, Love, and Bean Burritos,
