Saturday, May 29, 2010

30 Days of Giving: Days 3-7

Day 3:
Paid for a foreign couple's dinner at IHOP. They had no idea what to think when the waitress told them that somebody picked up their tab. It was such a blessing to watch them be blessed.

Day 4:
One of my best friends back in OK, Darcy Choate, passionately serves at a ministry called "All Things Baby". The ministry focuses on the needs of single mothers, providing anything from diapers to clothing. "All Things Baby" threw a baby shower for some teen mothers in the area, so I gave Darcy some cash and she used it to buy gifts for the shower. Darcy is incredible and her heart for children blows my mind.

Day 5:
My buddy Luke came up from Dallas to visit me while I was in Oklahoma last week. We went to Chesapeake to meet up with a friend that I used to work with, Owen Love. We grubbed on some amazing pizza from Hideaway and I picked up the bill for the 3 of us.

Day 6:
The reason I went back to Oklahoma last week was to see my sister graduate from high school. She'll be going to the University of Central Oklahoma in the fall and words can't explain how proud I am of her. As a graduation gift, I bought her tons of UCO garb from the campus bookstore. My time at UCO shaped me in so many ways, and I can't wait to see how much she learns and grows through her experience there.

Day 7:
Luke drove all the way from Dallas to come hang out for the week, so the least I could do was pay for a tank of his gas. It is such a blessing every time I get to hang out with Lucas. I can honestly say I've never met someone as talented, wise, and caring. The love that he has for his family and friends overflows in every facet of his life and it challenges me to love better.

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