Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Bellarive is an Orlando based band that leads worship at my church, along with playing several different venues in the Central Florida area. Looking back on it, this band is a large part of the reason I decided to call Discovery Church home. Bellarive led worship the very first time I attended the church, and to say that the worship they led was moving would be the understatement of the century. I know several bands that are mind blowingly talented, but there is a depth and richness to Bellarive like I've never experienced before.

Tonight I had the opportunity to meet the lead vocalist of Bellarive, Sean Curran, over tacos at Tijuana Flats. Not only did I get to fill my belly with deliciousness, but I got to hear the heart of a man that is genuinely pursuing God's heart. To hear Sean talk about the journey that God has led him on was so encouraging to me. Not seeking fame or fortune, Sean's vision for Bellarive is to powerfully impact the audience through not just the music, but personal relationships with the people they meet in the process. The band intentionally seeks to be Jesus to the people that listen to their music. Sean told me story after story of conversations that he's had with individuals at their shows...stories of hope, redemption, and grace. It was incredibly apparent to me that the success Bellarive has seen in such a short time, is undoubtedly due to the fact that they are doing exactly what God is calling them to do. They are living their lives out of passion for their Creator and it's evident in the music they create.

Check out the video below and see if God doesn't speak to you through it. I will honestly be surprised if you aren't moved in some way. If you like what you hear, buy their album on iTunes and support what God is doing through them.


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